Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Jones Run / Doyle River
Jones Run/Doyle’s River is one of my favorite hikes in Shenandoah National Park (SNP). It is a beginner friendly hike and not to long. The hike is about 6.6 miles and will take about 5 hours to do. It has a bunch of great waterfalls so we will probably do some exploring!
If you want more info you can look here:
The rundown:
8:45am – Meet at Echols
9am – Depart
10am – Arrive at trail head
12pm – Snack / lunch
3pm – Head back to cville
4pm – Arrive back in cville
– Water (2L)
– Some snacks
– Sneakers or hiking boots
– SNP pass OR $5 (I have one)
– If more drivers signup, then I can add more people, but I can only take a total of 4
– Drivers get priority off the waitlist. The club reimburses for gas +50% tip!
– Drivers need to show up to Echols with a full tank of gas!