Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
High Top Mountain, White Hall, VA, USA
my first fido’s field trip was a success (peep pearl the “pocket pit” in this trip photo) so i’m doing it again! if you’re unsure what that is, it’s a program through the caspca that gives volunteers the opportunity to take dogs out of the shelter for the day to exercise & socialize, so i will be picking up a mystery dog prior to our echols departure.
we’re going to be doing high top, but beginning on the AT to make it a 5.6 out and back hike. it’s fairly moderate with 1480 ft of elevation gain. for more details (and to ensure i actually follow this route):
the plan:
10 AM leave echols
11 AM trailhead
~3ish hours of hiking~
2 PM bop on back
~my car stops at the caspca on the way~
3 PM home sweet home (**except for my car which will be ~30 min behind due to doggy drop off**)
to bring:
– 2L+ water
– snacks and/or lunch
– sturdy shoes
– lots of layers! prepare for serious wind!
– SNP pass / $5
– a calm, gentle tones & body language, dog may be very nervous/overwhelmed
DRIVERS & PASSHOLDERS get priority off the waitlist. drivers will be reimbursed + a 50% tip. SNP pass needed for each car (i have 1).