Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Doyles River
Let’s get out Saturday! It’s the only day without precipitation in the coming days – certainly the only gap for the weekend. My plan, hopefully is not too surprising, would be to get some fishing in.
This trip is intended for those interested in fishing, but I may allow non-anglers on the trip. Non-anglers should be able to entertain themselves while anglers are on the stream (allow for ~2 hours of fishing). I’ve set the cap at 4 attendees, and may raise it to 10 at most.
The hike to Doyles River can be done with in a loop, or out-and back. I think the loop is best, since the distance covered is about the same as an out-and-back trip, but you get to see more of the park.
Along the way, we’ll see some waterfalls. Some increase to the flow will be good for both the waterfalls and the fishing, but hopefully we don’t get too much rain either.
Regarding fishing regulations, no brook trout under 9″ may be kept, but brown trout of any size may not be returned to the water. (Rainbow or brown over 7″ may be kept.) While Doyles River is open to harvest (some streams in Shenandoah National Park are catch and release only), I strongly encourage releasing any brook trout caught. (You’re on your own if you want to keep fish).
The only license you need is a statewide freshwater license ($23 for a year from purchase date), and they can be bought here:
You bring:
> Hiking provisions: backpack, water (2 liters), lunch, snacks, sunscreen
> Polarized sunglasses if you have them
> Fishing gear if you have it
Club provides:
> A ride
> Fly fishing gear (rod, reel, and kit)
> Up to 2 waders (Men’s size 9 and 10)
> An excuse to get outside
Additional notes:
1) This stream should be accessible without waders (i.e. the flow is often low enough that you can cross the stream, in certain places, without waders). However, you should probably bring a backup pair of socks in case you do slip in.
2) Fishing regulations can be found here: