Corner Of Echols Dorm
Beaver Creek
This trip is for anyone who likes to paddle or wants to learn. I’ll have the boats out at Beaver Creek where I’ll spend some time with basic instructions including the forward stroke, maneuvering the boat, recovery techniques, T-rescues, and the eskimo roll. You can sign up if you’re a complete beginner and want to learn the basics, if you want to come out and practice paddling, if you want to practice rolling, may be demo a play boat, or if you just want to keep me company 🙂 PLEASE SIGN UP IF THE TRIP IS FULL – If a lot of people want to paddle I’ll break people up into groups (2 hour time slots). In this case you’ll have to find a ride to and from Beaver Creek (you can find directions through the link included with the adventure). If you don’t have a car, I can help arrange car pooling (with people meeting at Echols). The weather is supposed to be warm, though there is a chance of thunderstorms 🙁 Hope to see you on the water!
The Club Provides: All of the gear (including wetsuits and splash jackets to keep you nice and warm 🙂
You should bring: Swim wear (+ extra layers if you want), change of clothes, towel, sunscreen, water, snacks, more people if you have a car and we need to car pool.