Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Franklin Crag
Get outside, get tan, and get a chance to practice your lead climbing. We’ll be heading out to Franklin crag in WV – about 2hrs away.
Franklin has a range of sport climbs from 5.9-5.12, plus a few lower grade warm-ups.
Depending on who signs up we may split into two groups – a group of 5.9/5.10 climbers and a group of 5.11/5.12 climbers.
Lead climbers and drivers will get priority. (I’ll add more people, up to 8, as we get drivers and leaders in order)
Food: eat your breakfast, bring your lunch and we’ll stop in Harrisonburg on the way back for dinner.
Club provides: ga$ reimbursement. if you need gear – get it own your own beforehand (gear room will not be open at the hour we are leaving)
You provide: your climb on gear, plenty of water (2L+), food and snacks, $$ for dinner, first aid, camera, sunscreen, bugspray, headlamp, and a pack to put it all in