Climbing (Sport) Climbing (Sport)
Climbing (Top Rope) Climbing (Top Rope)


  • Oct 20
  • 08:15:00
  • Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door


  • Oct 20
  • 21:00:00
  • Franklin Crag


  • Oct 19
  • 12:00:00


  • $0.00


Weather permitting Day trip to Franklin WVA for some sport climbing.

You must be able to tie in, belay and climb 5.9+ comfortably on TR. I will put everyone on the waitlist until I have someone on the trip who can confortably lead belay. I’m happy to put up TR’s on just about anything there.

Game plan is depart cville around 815~830 Saturday, climb until 5 or 6 and return that night.

This trip will be limited to 3 additional people, unless I have one more car, in which case I can open up to more people.

Club provides… any climbing gear you need you can grab from the gear room.

I will try and grab club ropes and draws. Please bring personal gear as well if you have some (I will bring my rope and draws).

As this is a day trip, There wont be much money for lunch, but I will try and pick up a few snacks. I recommend bringing personal food to eat while on the crag. We may stop for dinner in harrisonburg on the way back, but that can be up for vote.




Trips Attended: 53 Trips Led: 19

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