Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Master's Inn
So… the first time I ever went horseback riding was at Master’s Inn last year. I liked it very much. Now I’m leading the trip, in the hope that other people get the chance to like it very much too.
It’s an easy trail ride through the big, pretty farm down in the hilly Lynchburg countryside. No experience is necessary for it. All you need is a few hours and a penchant for trying new things… or for doing something that you’ve tried before again, whatever the case may be.
What to bring?? The $10 that master’s inn charges the club, water and snacks if you want them, maybe some extra money in case we stop for food.
Meet at the ususal Echol’s corner. If you have any questiones, feel free to email me, dqb2w.