Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Rocky Top Gym
I need lots of climbing in my life, so let’s all go to a local gym called Rocky Top. This trip will be for those who have climbed before, but want to keep practicing and climbing. Rocky Top is not a top-quality gym, but it is a rock wall that has holds, which means it’s great for continuing to work on your climbing, and to have some fun.
Also, this offers an alternative for those who can’t make Thursday Peak nights to take an afternoon at a local gym and still have time to get back and get ready for whatever plans you have Friday night!
Recommendations: wear comfortable athletic clothing you can flexibly
move in (such as medium length athletic shorts), and clip your nails
and toenails short so they won’t chip.
I don’t have access to the gear room, so if you need gear, I suggest hitting up the gear room during gear hours or renting from Rocky Top.
I only have space for approx 4 other people in my car so preference will be given to drivers!
There is a fee to get in, they now have a credit card machine, so you can either bring cash or card.