Bonnycastle Circle
Snowshoe Mountain
Okay. I don’t want to hear any bellyaching about “classes” or “work” …we’re going to Snowshoe on Friday. No lip.
We’ll leave BONNYCASTLE CIRCLE (not Echols. don’t go to Echols. We won’t be at Echols) at 0700, get to Snowshoe around 9:30 or 10, enjoy the mountain until it closes at 4, and get back around 7.
If you have a season pass and your own gear, you’re all set!
If you need a lift ticket, it’s $75.
If you need to rent gear, it’s around $35 for the day I believe.
Club provides:
Gas money
Seat in a car
Shredtastic company
You provide:
season pass/lift ticket/gear or gear $$
No whining about getting up early
Lunch or lunch $$
Everyone will be waitlisted til I get some drivers.