Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Canaan Valley, WV
Looking for something to do over the first weekend of spring break? Join us on this expedition to Canaan Valley in West Virginia. During the day on Saturday and Sunday we will either hike, snowshoe or cross country ski, or engage in a combination of said activities. We will stay in a warm “cabin” Friday and Saturday nights. At night we may catch some live music or watch an outdoorsy movie, and for those interested, i will help you make you very own backpacking stove.
Everyone goes to the waitlist until we figure out how many we can accomodate. I’ll let you know early in the week if you’re one of the lucky ones.
Club provides:
A seat in a car, gas if you drive.
Saturday’s meals, Sunday’s breakfast
Lodging for Friday and Saturday nights.
You bring:
some cash for food on the way there and back
good hiking shoes / boots
warm clothing