Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Summersville, WV
Gauley Fest is a boating entusiasts festival that is put on by American Whitewater. I’ve never been before, but I’ve always heard that it is an AMAZING time. Its a great place to buy/sell used gear (I’ll be selling my kayak and hopefully picking up a new one). So bring your gear, bring some money, and meet some of the best and brightest of the whitewater kayaking scene. There are tons of vendors that will have all kinds of cool stuff. Anyway, follow the link below for specifics!
Outdoors at UVA provides:
tents, sleeping bags, transportation, lodging
You must bring:
stuff to sell, money to buy stuff,
I will be leaving the Summersville area at around 4 o’clock to come back so I can go to my birthday party here in Charlottesville (WHICH EVERYONE IS INVITED TO — 1535 GORDON ON SATURDAY NIGHT!). If you would like to stay longer, there may be people who sign up with a car that are staying longer — I’ll ask in the questions section.
I am leaving so early on Friday because there is a chance that the camping at the actual festival will be all gone — if that happens, we will go elsewhere, but I’d rather be where the party is!