Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
George Washington National Forest
Hello Hellooooo!
The time has come again for the shredding to commence, but this time it will take place along the Narrowback trail after a night under the starts (and next to the cars) in Gee Dub National Forest. The MTBing we will be doing is not for beginners (Sorry y’all) but most certainly for intermediate and advanced riders.
The Plan:
-Leave Saturday October 10th at 14.00 (2PM) from Echols and head to the camp site in George Washington NF (Camp sites at Todd Lake Rec)
-Enjoy the evening under the starts with good company as we contemplate the trail that awaits our arrival
-Wake’n Shred (the trail head is right there!!)
-Be back around 15.00 (3PM) Sunday October 11th
What you need:
-Bike + Helmet
-Pack + water (at least 2L of water)
-Camping gear (tent, sleeping pad/bag)
-Food (dinner, breakfast, lunch, and snacks)
-Or money for food and we can all cook up the same stuff
-High caliber corny jokes are mandatory!
-I will have the gear required for cooking so no need to fret over that
~~I’m limiting it to three for now, but that could change, depending on logistics~~
Link about trail:
Shred for lyfe,