ODC House
Humpback Rocks
I can’t believe I’m doing this. RIP sleep.
Before you get all wrapped up in the holiday’s festivities, join me for a wicked sunrise on Humpback Rocks!
Sunrise is set for ~7:40. We’ll hike up the short trail, monster mash dance to warm ourselves up (it will be cold and windy), say Hell-o to the sun, and head back down. I’ve got class at 9, witch means we’ve gotta be back before then.
Priority will be given to peeps who haven’t gotten on a trip or are on several waitlists.
To Bring:
-good shoes
-costumes are encouraged
-warm layers (enough to make you look like a mummy)
-breakfast (candy is nutritious enough right?)
DRIVERS NEEDED! Drivers get priority off the waitlist, gas reimbursed, and a 50% tip!