Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Red River Gorge, KY
*****change in pick up location******
If you wish to leave a car at harris teeter to avoid parking on campus I will be picking you up at 8:15 there….
“The Red River Gorge in eastern Kentucky is one of the best rock-climbing areas in the world. Its solid well-featured sandstone makes for steep, spectacular climbing, with an almost equal mix of sport and traditionally protected pitches.”
The Red River Gorge is an internationally popular destination for climbers.
The Red is set up a little differently than the New; instead of 3 or 4 huge areas (Endless, Kaymoor, Summersville, etc), there are basically 50 Cotton Tops. We will plan on hitting 2 crags a day.
Most crags have a few 5.9s and 5.10s but it is rare to find a crag with lots of moderate climbs. We will climb some 9s, mostly 10s and 11s, and some 12s.
-Ability to tie in and top-rope belay
-Climb 5.10 cleanly on top-rope
-Ask me if you are unsure
-4/21 (Thursday) at 8 PM
– The drive is approximately 7 hours each way and will stop to stay at a friends house on the way as needed. We are climbing Friday -Sun at the red, then retreat to the New River Gorge for Monday to shorten the drive back to Cville. I have to be back to the ville by 5:00PM monday so plan on a short stay at the New.
-Breakfast and lunch is covered by the club, dinner is all you
-We will bring lunches to crag and cook breakfasts and dinners Friday morning-Sun morning. You are responsible for all the meals outside of those (i.e., on the road)
-I am getting a room to get some quality sleep, in which case not all the costs will be covered by the club. 2 queen beds, max 4 people per room. we can discuss
-Other option is to camp at Miguel’s (covered by the club). You get the choice when you sign up.
Priorities are given to the following members:
-Able to lead climb and/or lead belay
-I recommend a pre trip meeting to layout food / lodging
– max attendies = 4 …. or more depending on # of cars
Please do NOT sign up for this trip unless:
-You are at least 75% sure
-You are Ok with the departure and arrival times
-Gas reimbursement or ride in a car
– Food reimbursement
-Climbing gear (ropes, draws)
-Personal climbing gear if needed (harness, shoes, belay device, chalk bag)
-Camping gear
-Camping fees
-*Check out personal camping/climbing gear on your own before the trip (ask me if you are unsure)
-Personal climbing gear if you have it (Don’t forget chalk)
-Weather appropriate clothes
-Camping gear if you have it
-Entertainments unless you are easily amused (For some of you this means textbooks)
-$$ for meals on the two 7 hour car rides
-$$ for extra things that you may want (souvenirs, entertainment, Miguel’s Pizza, etc)
-Approach shoes/sandals
-Good climbing karma
Check back for updates.