Slaughter Student Rec Center
Slaughter Student Rec Center
Slaughter Recreation Center, Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA, USA
last week i led a beginner trip to rocky top, all of us having climbed maybe once before, and it was an absolute blast just trying our best. yes, a 6-year-old, who proudly told us he’d been climbing for 4 years now, may have made us look like absolute fools, but it inspired me to climb more so here we are. this week im going for the free option and stepping into slaughter for the first time in my 4 years at uva. tbh i’ve been too intimidated to show my face there, hence why i’m leading a trip to force myself to go.
all levels welcome. you can either teach me or fail alongside me!
the plan:
Have you wanted to try out climbing but you’re broke/ Peak is a bit to far away for you? This trip is for beginners who want a chill intro to climbing at the FREE bouldering facilities at Slaughter.
7:30 PM meet at slaughter
sign waiver, get ~free~ shoes and watch intro video
8:45 PM wrap up
9:00 PM back to your living quarters with chalky bodies and achy arms
to bring:
– water
– positive, encouraging, and supportive attitude