Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Hightop Mountain
Trip Leader has been changed: Please Contact Sam @540-326-5601 with any questions. Trip details are the same.
Greetings to the library dwellers and nature deprived youths of UVa. It’s about time we unwind and hike in the midst of this fabulous exam season, hm? Hightop Mountain is a pretty moderate hike, about 5.5 miles and has a beautiful panoramic vista at the top! We will head back and get lunch, putting us back at Uva around 12:30 to 1:30 at the very latest. We have one car, so we need another driver please and thanks. Therefore, DRIVERS NEEDED & will be reimbursed for gas (plus a 50% tip)!! Bring two water bottles, snacks, and a jacket because it will be pretty chilly!
What to bring:
– Hiking boots/sturdy shoes
– water (2-3 liters)
– snacks
– A camera
– Layers/weather-appropriate clothing!