Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Crabtree Falls
According to hiking upward (a great hiking website for WV and VA):
“Crabtree Falls is arguably the most beautiful set of waterfalls in Virginia. Billed as the tallest waterfalls east of the Mississippi, Crabtree Falls is a must see for anyone who lives in the mid-Atlantic region.”
So, how about we take a trip on down to see the falls for ourselves? It’s an hour away and about a 4 mile hike, which is supposed to take about 3.5 hours and it’s a moderate hike. It’s a well-defined trail with beautiful views.
If you’d like to join me, you provide:
-layered clothes (it’s supposed to be 40’s and sunny)
-good shoes for hiking
Club provides:
-ride to and from