Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Moorman's Boulders
This trip will teach the basics of being a true Moorman. Things we will learn will include:
-The best way to avoid bikers on Garth rd.
-How to park on the side of the road without falling into a ditch
-How to navigate the walk-in without getting dominated by thorny vines
-Learning how to play in Moorman’s River without slipping
-How to leave the parking area without making a 3-point U-turn
and last but not least, we may do some bouldering while it is 60 degrees and sunny in the middle of November.
We will head out tomorrow (Saturday) around 1:00pm and be back by 4:00pm. I won’t have time to get shoes for those attendees without their own gear, but you can do a lot of bouldering without shoes if need be.
You provide: Gear if you have it. Water.
We Provide: Crash Pad. Moormans Guide for Dummies.