Stargazing Stargazing


  • Feb 19
  • 06:40 AM
  • Slaughter Student Rec Center Parking Lot


  • Feb 19
  • 07:45 AM
  • O-Hill


  • Feb 19
  • 12:00 AM


  • $0.00


  • Observatory Hill


As the experienced third semester zoom school student that I am, I have found that the pinnacle to my success starts with early mornings in which my face is enlightened by the sun the second it creeps over the horizon line. Whether this be in the form of a run, wandering around my room to water all my plants, or just peaking out of my covers long enough to see the sun rise over the parking lot next to my house, the feeling of being awake in the morning in truly unbeatable.

You may have your doubts that waking up at 6 am to meet me in the Slaughter parking lot to walk to what I believe to be the best sunrise spot on grounds will truly increase your productivity; you may feel that putting your sleep in jeopardy will only result in a lack of focus and exhaustion. I am here to assure you that it will certainly have these effects unless supplemented with 89 cups of coffee BUT that the happiness and balance you will obtain from such an outing will make-up for the lack of homework accomplished. Also it’s a Friday so you don’t need to work all day!!

That being said!! Come watch the sunrise with me on Friday morning on top of OHill by that nice tree! I will bring my watercolors and maybe a coffee (if I wake up early enough to prepare it) and welcome any other art, music, books, creative outlets that you like to start your days with. As my professor said via panopto today in regards to Sartrean philosophical thinking “we are not lumps of clay,” and all things that are not lumps of clay must watch the sunrise with Eliza on Friday.

xoxo see you soon




Trips Attended: 75 Trips Led: 46

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