Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
New River Gorge
Clear weather is forecast for the weekend, and the sun doctor has ordered that we spend some time swinging from the ropes and basking on the rocks at the New River Gorge.
We’ll spend the majority of Saturday climbing at Summersville lake, and then likely move on to Kaymoor in the New River Gorge on Sunday. Fire & festivities on Saturday night!
There’ll be ample opportunity for both lead and top rope climbing. This trip will only be worth your while if you can climb at least a 5.8 on top rope.
You will need: Warm clothing (it could get pretty chilly), sleeping bag, sleeping mat, torch, water, snacks. Don’t forget medication and other personal paraphernalia.
The club provides (if needed): Tents, sleeping mats and climbing gear. The club will also pay for gas, dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.