Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
James River - Glasgow To Snowden (Balcony Falls)
Its supposed to rain for most of this week, and hopefully that will bring the water level up on the James. So lets go paddle Balcony Falls, its really fun at higher water! This run is a mostly class II with one class II+/III rapid that is easily walkable if you don’t feel comfortable running it. Balcony is about and hour and a half away and is an awesome, beautiful run; I’m so excited to get back down there!
This trip is suitable for anyone who has attended Dave Clark’s intro sessions at Walnut, and has paddled on some whitewater in a kayak before. You do not need to have a solid roll, but should be confident and willing to try one should you flip.
PLEASE do NOT sign up for this trip if you have never paddled whitewater before. I ask this for safety reasons: This trip will be cold, with both chilly water and air temperatures, and we will be trying to move fairly quickly so we dont get stuck on the river in the dark.
We’ll meet at Emmet at 1pm, which should put us on the water by 3, hopefully giving us enough time to get off the water before dark.
Max number of people is 7.
You provide: gear if you have it, bathing suit/clothes that can get wet, non-cotton layers (under armor, capilene, fleece, etc) to wear in the water, food/water, dry clothes for after
Club provides: gear if you need it, wetsuit/drytop if you need it, gas $$