Kayaking (River) Kayaking (River)
Kayaking (Whitewater) Kayaking (Whitewater)


  • Feb 7
  • 12:00:00
  • Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door


  • Feb 7
  • 19:00:00
  • James River - Richmond


  • Feb 5
  • 22:00:00


  • $0.00


The Lower James through Richmond is a short, Class III run with some fun play spots. Let’s plan to leave Charlottesville (meeting at Echols drom) at 12, which will put us on the water by 2 hopefully. Depending on how long we play at Pipeline (last rapid on the run and the best surf spot) and if / how many laps people want to do, we’ll probably be back in cville between 7 and 9.

You need to have a solid roll and good boat control to come on this trip, as it is a class III run and the water will be COLD.

Its supposed to be 60F and sunny on Saturday, and the river level looks good at just over 4ft, but if either of these changes significantly, I may have to cancel the trip, just fyi.

I’m waitlisting everyone at the moment; if I don’t know you and your ability, I’ll send you an email to check in on what your kayaking experience is, just for safety’s sake.

If you can drive, please indicate so in the questions section; more drivers/cars with racks will allow more people to come play!

You provide: gear if you have it (5 essentials), lunch/snacks, towel, warm dry clothes for after, bathing suit/clothes that can get wet, non-cotton layers for kayaking, river shoes (closed toe preferable), $ for food on the way back to cville if you want

Club provides: gear if you need it, gas $$




Trips Attended: 112 Trips Led: 43

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