Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Richmond, VA
This section of the Lower James runs alongside downtown Richmond, featuring class 2-3 rapids including the well known Hollywood Rapid. Previous class 2 experience is required, if you have paddled the Rivanna, the Balcony Falls section of the James, or the Upper New you can qualify for this trip. A decent flat water roll is recommended, but not required (Due to small numbers we should be able to control carnage on this trip.) You must know how to do a T-rescue. Please list any past whitewater experience you have when signing up for this trip so I can screen you before moving you from the wait-list. If you have any questions about whether or not you think you qualify feel free to contact me via email:
I will need at least one driver for this trip to go out so please let me know if you are willing and able. It will be a chilly day on the river, but don’t worry if you don’t have any warm gear as the club can provide this for you.
I am NOT “leading” on this trip, I am only coordinating some logistics and transportation to the river, you are responsible for your own safety and you agree to have read and will abide by the American Whitewater Safety Code
Those with the appropriate skills may join as “Common Adventurers”
Gear to stay warm! (Let me know what you need) Boats, skirts, helmets/noseplugs, paddles, pfds, paddle jackets, wetsuits, booties, boat transportation, gas money.
Your boat and gear if you have it, swimwear, towel, change of clothes, water, snacks, money for lunch/a packed lunch
We will be leaving from Echols around 10:00AM with a projected return time around 5:00PM