Bonnycastle Circle
Richmond, VA
So there’s an intro and an advanced kayaking trip this weekend, what is missing? An intermediate trip…
Richmond offers a unique white water run with its class 3 rapids and skyline in the background. We’ll run this section of the James as it flows alongside downtown Richmond with some class 2, 3 and 1 class 4 rapid – area famous Hollywood Rapid. In order to be qualified for this trip you must have taken the intro trip with me or have similar experience, have lots of prior river experience in at least class 2 rapids, and have a decent flat water roll. So that I can screen your experience you will be added to the waitlist upon joining, then I will move you to the trip list if appropriate.
DISCLAIMER/LEGAL: I am NOT “leading” on any of these rivers, I am only coordinating some logistics and transportation to the river, you are responsible for your own safety and the activities you choose to participate in while on this trip, and you agree to have read and will abide by the American Whitewater Safety Code
Those with the appropriate skills may join me as “Common Adventurers”
The Club Provides:A ride or reimbursement and perhaps some kayaking gear.
You should bring: your boat, essential gear, swimwear, towel, change of clothes, sunscreen, water, snacks, money for food after the trip