Bonnycastle Circle
Savage River, MD
Note the skill level… It’s intermediate squared, not intermediate*2 Kayaking.
Anyways, The main event of the weekend would be The Savage River release on Saturday 6/1 (This is the Intermediate^2 one). You can do your own research on this run by starting here:
I am NOT “leading” on any of these rivers, I am only coordinating some logistics and transportation to the rivers, you are responsible for your own safety and the activities you choose to participate in while on this trip, and you agree to have read and will abide by the American Whitewater Safety Code
Those with the appropriate skills may join as “Common Adventurers”
What you need to know about the Savage: The difficulty in the AW description appears to be a bit dated, and It’s really Class III moves, but Class IV consequences: Water comes from the bottom of a lake, so It’s cold year round (42F), CONTINUOUS, and very few eddies, and shallow, so upside down time and swim team tryouts are highly discouraged! You must bring a bombproof roll and/or brace or stellar water reading skills and boat control for everyone in the group to enjoy this run. And the object is to get in as many laps as possible – I’ve only manged 4 so far, striving for 5 this year!
As for Sunday 6/2 – the first thing that comes to mind in the region that is a sure bet is the Lower Yough (intermediate). Read about it here:
But with a little cooperation from mother nature, there’s some other nearby options that could present themselves.
A bombproof roll is not necessarily required, thou having the patience for T-rescues and having several swim-free runs on the “Lower James” through downtown Richmond at 4ft or higher would be good prereqs for an enjoyable LY run.
There’s commercial trips available on both the Savage and Lower Yough, you can inquire about those here:
Everyone gets waitlisted till I screen your skills.
Lumbergh’s gonna have me come in on Saturday, I just know it… Well hopefully my PC will shutdown promptly and I can duck out early enough Friday before he asks, but if not I may not be able to personally join y’all till Sunday, but some equally competent coordinator may take the reigns for Saturday. But anyways, the times indicated are when I personally hope to leave/return – thou we could head up Super Early Sat if the group wishes.
NOTE: Don’t go canceling any pre-existing awesome plans you may have, as this trip may get shallinated for including but not limited to: My work obligations, low interest, high/low water, lack of shuttle vehicles, etc.
Camp fees for this summer trip aren’t covered – so bring $ for them.
I’m up for camping either in Friendsville or at the Savage Putin. Indicate in the Q&A what camp gear you need. Food costs are also NOT covered by the club, so I’m not currently planning to do any group shopping/cooking and personally plan to eat out somewheres. Bring your own food, or $ to buy it. I can bring cooking appliances if anyone wants to use them.
There’s suggested $5 donation at the putin for the entities that make the Savage releases possible, and I think launch permits and shuttle token for the LY run around $7 total. So I’ve put $35 for the fee to cover those and other extraordinary expenses.
Club Provides:
Boats & Gear, Cold water gear if you need them.
You Provide:
Your own boat & gear, WARM Layers!