Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
James River - Richmond
Let’s go to the James River this Saturday! We’ll warm up on the mild upper section and then paddle some exciting class III runs on the lower section through the city of Richmond.
We’ll leave Saturday morning and come back in the evening. It will be cold this weekend, so don’t sign up unless you can handle being cold and wet.
Also, the Lower James has Class 2-3 rapids, so you need to be confident with the wet-exit, T-Rescue and the roll. The cold water makes paddling that much more dangerous, so if you are not confident, please do not sign up.
What you bring:
Boat, paddle, skirt, pdf and helmet (if you have them)
Warm non-cotton clothes and dry/splash tops (if you have them)
Dry clothes and towel for the ride home
Food/$ for food
What the club provides:
Boat, paddle, skirt, pdf and helmet
Dry/splash tops
I’m wait-listing everyone until drivers (with roof racks) sign up.