Corner Of Echols Dorm
Corner Of Echols Dorm
Meadowcreek Gardens and Disc Golf Course, Morton Drive, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Make the most of your afternoon and get outside and huck some discs! Meadowcreek is a 9-hole course, but has two tee pads and baskets at each hole so it can be played many different ways. As always, beginner’s are welcome! We’ll have plenty of discs for everyone interested in coming. Disc golfing is the perfect excuse to walk around and enjoy the outdoors!
What to bring:
Discs (if you have them)
1:30 – meet at Echols and drive to Meadowcreek
1:45- Frolf!
3:15- leave Meadowcreek
3:30- arrive back at Echols
**Meadowcreek is less than 10 mins away; schedule is up to being changed to accommodate whoever comes