Bonnycastle Circle
Wintergreen Resort
Want to take a break from exams? Haven’t picked up your wintergreen
pass yet? Then here’s your chance. Wintergreen has the highlands open, and anticipates opening more terrain later this week, so conditions should be great for us. This is open for all abilities, as long as you like to ski.
We will meet at Bonnycastle Circle at 7:45, and plan to leave from
wintergreen around 1ish. This is just a morning trip to get our “ski legs”
What to bring:
Skis/Poles/Boots/snowboard (if you have them)
Warm Clothes (it will be cold and windy)
Money for lift ticket (if you don’t have a season pass) and rental skis if you need them.
Lift ticket prices are:
$26 for a halfday. (9 til 1 PM)
Rental Prices are:
$24 for Skis (halfday)
$34 for snowboard (halfday)
Wintergreen offers free beginner skiing lessons, and a club member has volunteered to help with any new snowboarders. (Please E-mail me if you need to take lessons, it means that we have to get you there on time)
Notes: I do not have ski racks on my car, and thus can only take two people
with me. If you have a car and would like to drive, send me an E-mail, and I
will change the number of people who can go.