Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
George Washington National Forest
It seems now is a perfect weather for a hike, not too cold and not too hot.
Lets go to Mill Mountain! It is located on a VA/WV border. The main route is 11.6
ml loop with 2,340 ft elevation change in three different ascents.
In the hike classification it is rated by 5 (maximum difficulty). So, it should be
considered as a strenuous hike. Besides it has 5 in the solitude grade, in other words it should not be too crowded ;).
The crucial point is that taking a short walk along Mill Mountain we can visit the Big Schloss vista. This is one of the best vistas in Virginia.
The club provides: Gas refund, a place in a car.
You have: water, snacks/lunch, proper boots & clothes, camera etc.
Optional (gps, head lamp)