Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Walnut Creek Park
Sunday is going to be in the 50’s, so it’ll be perfect for some mountain biking out at Walnut Creek. It’s really close to Charlottesville (like 15 minutes away), and there are all kinds of trails. The trip is mostly for beginners, but if there are some more experienced people who want to go, we can just split up and meet back. I’ll be going at an easy pace, so if you know how to ride a bike and want to get off the road, sign up!
The club has helmets and 5 really nice bikes. You’ll need to bring water and snacks. You might want to wear tighter pants or wear socks that you can tuck your right pants leg in or bring a rubberband. (mine pants just get caught in the chain sometimes. no big deal)