Bonnycastle Circle
Old Rag
Alright, so some of you have heard me mention this in the past – it’s time to finally give it a go.
We’re taking 3 teams of 3 people out to Old Rag for a multi-cache weekend event. If you have not heard of Geo-caching before it can be thought of as treasure hunting. The catch being everything is done off trail. Just because you know where something is doesn’t mean it’s easy to get to =)
We leave Friday as soon as everyone can. We will spend Friday hiking the trail and finding a suitable backcountry campsite (camping is allowed below 2800′). Friday will also be spent getting acquainted with the GPS systems.
Saturday each team will take their respective cache and secure it in a location. Possible spots could be at the bottom of the valley, cliff side, on top of one of the many gigantic boulders, or any other imaginable place. We will all rendevouz later that night and exchange cache locations.
Sunday will be a race to acquire the other caches. =)
We will return Sunday night.
This should be pretty nuts and ridiculously fun. You will need backpacking gear, a day pack, and your wits. We’re going exploring!
Feel free to shoot questions my way.
FAQ on Geocaching: