New River Gorge
Weekend climbing trip. Game plan is to leave on Saturday around 7 am, climb all day, camp, climb until around 3 on sunday (potentially later if an interested car/driver joins)
Club covers gas. We’ll try and camp at the AAC campground which is free (if its full, bring some cash for camping elsewhere just in case)… food is on your own given the spring/summer reimbursement policy. We may set up camp, then go out to eat saturday night….or we can all chip in 5 bucks and cook something.
I will waitlist everyone depending on belay skills, drivers, etc. and can add more people to the trip if space becomes available
We’ll climb at summersville on Saturday, which has a decent cropping of 5.8 plus climbing. Sunday location TBD.
Club provides: Tents, camping gear, climbing harness, ATC, climbing shoes (if you need any of these please swing by the gear room ahead of time). Up to 150$ gas per vehicle.
You provide: any camping/climbing gear you have, food for the weekend, layers of clothing for the weekend.