Ray's Campground (Hico, WV)
Ray's Campground (Hico, WV)
Endless Wall Trail, Endless Wall Trail, Edmond, WV, USA
Sunrise + Trail Running? Mmm I think yes! I’m running a road race on the 7th but I still wanna see sunrise and hit the trails on Saturday so I’m doing this trip to be a pretty easy 2-mile shakeout to go see the sunrise at Diamond Point before a full day of sending. I’m not a particularly fast runner, and I’m going to be taking it easy so I’m budgeting 15min/mi and it should be very beginner friendly. That being said, it might still be a good idea to try trail running at least once when it’s fully light first. Here are the deets:
Strava Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/2887246053820091198
– leave Ray’s @ 7:20
– depart Endless Wall parking lot @ 7:35
– arrive at diamond point @ 7:50
– sunrise @ 7:56am
– depart for the cars at 8:05
– leave parking lot @ 8:20
– arrive back at ray’s by 8:35
What to bring:
– running shoes
– water
– HEADLAMP (you won’t be allowed without one since we’ll be running before sunrise)
This trip is part of the NRGE megatrip so make sure you’re on the NRGE main carpool as well!