Ray's Campground (Hico, WV)
Ray's Campground (Hico, WV)
New River Gorge National Park, Visitor Center Road, Lansing, WV, USA
What better way to start off NRGE than with a sunrise?? We will brave the morning frostiness and make our way to Hawks Nest Overlook to see the sunrise over the gorge on Saturday morning, and return to camp in time to rejoin the rest of the day’s festivities. Here’s a link if you want some more info about it: https://www.theoutbound.com/west-virginia/photography/watch-a-sunrise-at-hawks-nest-overlook
Timeline (sunrise is at 7:33 according to weather channel)
-6:50 meet and leave
-7:05 arrive at overlook & watch sunrise!
-8:00 (latest) back at rays
What to bring
-Sunrise snacks
**Driver needed! Driver will get priority off the waitlist!**
Once you are off the waitlist for this trip remember to sign up for the NRGE main carpool. Our trip is free, but the NRGE trip in general is not, you’ll be asked to venmo $10.00 to @OutdoorsatUVA