Ray's Campground (Hico, WV)
Douthat State Park
Douthat State Park has some of the finest single track in VA and is one of my favorite places to ride (several years ago it was mentioned in Blue Ridge Outdoors as one of the top 3 mountain bike destinations in VA!). There are plenty of tough, technical climbs up to fantastic views, followed by ridge-line roller coasters and endless down hills. We’ll decide on which trails to tackle when we get there. Whatever we do, plan for 20-25 miles with plenty of rest stops (~4 hours). You can compensate for experience with good aerobic shape, but some experience is necessary so do NOT sign up unless you have done some mountain biking and are in decent shape. Eat a good hearty breakfast, come well hydrated, and bring plenty of snacks for the trail. I don’t know what the weather will be like so prepare for bad weather by dressing in non-cotton layers and carrying a backpack to shed them into if need be. There may be some stream crossing so bring along some extra socks. For more info about the park check out: http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/dou.shtml
This is an NRGE trip so it’ll help if you are part of that shindig but if you can drive and have a bike that you can tote you could meet us at Douthat. My plan for Sunday AM is to zip into Fayetteville and fill my belly at Cathedral Cafe, break camp, then head to Douthat (it is on the way home). I hope to be on the road to Douthat by 10am which means we’ll be hitting the trails at noonish, and off at 4ish, then home by 6pm. I will need at least 1 driver to make this work. Everyone gets waitlisted upon joining so that I can arrange rides, and screen skills.
I am putting $20 down as the trip fee to reflect the NRGE trip fee. There is no fee if enough people carpool from C’ville to meet at Douthat; if only 1or 2 people come from town you might have to cover a portion of your gas as well as the park entrance fee ($3/vehicle).
**If you are coming out to the NRGE just for this trip please indicate so in the comments section of the trip questionnaire. I’ll contact you to arrange a ride, etc. if appropriate.
THE CLUB PROVIDES: Camping gear and some food and lodging for the NRGE, mountain bikes (various sizes) and helmets (limited quantity; Mitch’s trip to Arrowhead gets priority), some bike tools, tire and suspension pumps, extra tubes, some ga$, bike transport.
YOU SHOULD BRING: camping gear/clothes for the NRGE, your bike & gear, lots of water, lots of snacks, extra tubes, hydration pack or small backpack if you have one, extra socks, proper bike attire (non-cotton layers; NO baggy pants – the chain ring will eat them!). We’ll find a place to replenish our carbs after the ride so bring ca$h.