Corner Of Echols Dorm
Corner Of Echols Dorm
Great Falls National Park, Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA, USA
Time to bust out the good ole trad racks and get some gear placement practice in. We will be heading up to Romeo’s Ladder in Great Falls, setting up some top ropes, and practicing pro placement while climbing some nice, gentle 5.5 to 5.8 grades.
This trip is intended for those who are either:
1. Competent sport climbers looking to foray into trad for the first time
2. New trad climbers who need to build confidence and skills through practice
3. Trad climbers who want to practice pro placement in a mock, TR setting
Note that a background in outdoor sport leading is a prerequisite for this trip.
Climbers who are new (or new-ish) to trad are STRONGLY encouraged to attend my virtual workshop on pro placement prior to attending this trip. We will not be going over all the details of pro placement from square one on this trip, so participants are expected to have some prior knowledge (which can be obtained through the workshop).
Gear to Bring:
– climbing harness
– belay device + locking carabiner
– climbing shoes
– chalk (optional)
– helmet (optional, but encouraged)
– personal anchor system (optional)
– prusik cord (optional)
– personal trad gear (optional)
– clothes appropriate for the weather
– water
– snack
I’ll check out the club trad gear and ropes for the group.
0800 – leave Echols
1030 – arrive at Great Falls and make the approach in
1130 – start climbing and hope the sun is out
~~~lots of climbs, practice setting anchors and pro placements, lunch, snacks, and good times~~~
1730 – leave the crag when it gets dark
2000 – back at Echols