Biking (Mountain) Biking (Mountain)


  • Oct 3
  • 04:30 PM
  • 116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack


  • Oct 3
  • 07:30 PM
  • 116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack


  • Oct 3
  • 03:00 PM


  • $0


  • McCormick Observatory, McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA, USA



Thanks to the stupid hurricane cutting my surfing 2 days short, I have to hang out in cville with you losers (especially you Titov).

Anyway now that I got my frustration out, looks like it’s gonna rain hard in cville on sat and sun but clear up for mon. Ohill is known to drain very well, so hopefully we’ll be able to get out without trails being saturated. In the case that it doesn’t stop raining, we’ll have to cancel because we don’t want to ruin any trails so keep that in mind. Otherwise, pretty routine intermediate trip. We won’t be going over the basics as we would on a beginner trip, but we won’t be doing anything crazy and definitely are happy to share tips. This trip is targeted for people who have done at least two or three rides, and now feel confident on beginner trails. If you’re on the fence about it, feel free to reach out to either Max’s (you can find our contact by clicking on the names).

If you don’t have your own mountain bike or helmet, let me know on the trip questionnaire and we’ll try to secure you a club bike/helmet. Everyone will be waitlisted for this trip initially and depending on bike availability individuals will be taken off the wait list accordingly.

What you need:
– Water (Either a bottle that will fit in a bottle cage, or bring a small backpack/hip pack to hold it)
– Gloves (optional, $10 utility gloves work great)
– Closed-toe shoes
– Weather appropriate clothing

What the club will provide:
– Bikes
– Helmets

The plan:
4:30pm – meet at the shred shack a grab a bike for everyone
4:45pm – be riding up Ohill
7:00pm – head back to shrack when we start to lose light




Trips Attended: 189 Trips Led: 142



Trips Attended: 125 Trips Led: 67

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