Camping Camping
Hiking (Day Hikes) Hiking (Day Hikes)
Scuba Diving Scuba Diving
Stargazing Stargazing


  • Oct 27
  • 17:00:00
  • Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door


  • Oct 28
  • 15:00:00
  • Old Rag


  • Oct 25
  • 20:00:00


  • $0.00


This trip is for beginners but be advised that the rock scramble is difficult hike and we’ll be doing it with packs at night. The total loop is 8 miles or so, I think. We’ll do 4-5 the first day.

If you’ve never backpacked before that is okay, so long as you are fairly fit. Gear list at the end:

I’m faced with a conundrum.

I want to hike Old Rag, going up the scramble. Not down.

I want to stay in the Bird’s Nest shelter or Old Rag Shelter which are just past the peak. (I am seeing mixed information on whether they are day-use only or also for over-nighting. We’ll just camp in the general area if they are day-use only.)

I want to see the sunrise or sunset.

So given these facts, I say forget the sunset. In the spirit of adventure, night-hiking the ridge trail is more important. So we’ll hike the entire ridge at night by moon light (full moon) and then camp on the far side. If the morning if we so choose, we can take a short hike back up to the peak for sunrise. Or we could just never go to sleep.

The night hike will take teamwork and self-awareness. We have to stay together and help each other. Headlights are required but I think moonlight will be sufficient.

We’ll leave Saturday in time to arrive as the sunsets and then return Saturday mid-afternoon.

Gear list: You check this stuff out from the club yoselves!

Bring your own snacks
Club will provide lunch and breakfast for Sunday
sleeping bag
sleeping pad
rain gear
warm clothes (it’s going to be cold up there)
hiking boots
water 4-5 liters
rain cover for pack
toothbrush and paste
extra clothes
first aid kit for personal use (i’ll bring a big one too)
camera if you want it

There are plenty of other things you could bring. This is the bare minimum.

I will handle tents for the group. Let me know if you have your own and want to use it.

Shoot me any questions.





Trips Attended: 108 Trips Led: 24

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