Bonnycastle Circle
Old Rag
One of the most popular day hikes for
this club- A classic, this seven
mile, full day hike is full of scenery, and amazing
views with some steep and lots of easy
hiking. This should be a suitable hike for most people.
There are boulders, crevices, outcrops
and more views. We’ll be doing some
scrambling in parts, so
be prepared for a fun, and challenging day. It WILL be
COLD at the top, with high winds and November
temps, so bring windbreakers, hats, long johns, coats
and gloves. You can put them in your pack for the lower
parts, but you’ll want them on top. You don’t want to get
out there and be miserable b/c you’re cold.
Many club members have been and recommend this hike!
Outdoors at UVa provides:
A ride for those who don’t have cars, and gas reimbursement for those that do.
Club also provides your guide…. that’s me!
You must bring:
Please bring water, a lunch that won’t get
mushed in your pack, (bring a day pack too), toilet paper
(enough for you), tissues and lots of warm clothes as
outlined below.