Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Old Rag Mountain, Robertson, VA, USA
So old rag is probably one of my favorite hikes in Shenandoah, and I honestly prefer this time of year to the fall because you don’t have to enjoy it with hundreds of other people. It’s about a 9 mile hike with a relatively long rock scramble at the top, so it can be a little challenging but it’s perfectly manageable if you’re in decent shape/have been hiking before.
hiking upward link:
The Plan:
9:00 – meet at echols
10:15 – get to trailhead
4:15 – return to cars
5:30 – get back to cville
What to bring:
backpack of some sort
sturdy shoes
Drivers and anyone with a park pass get priority off the waitlist, and gas is reimbursed + 50% tip.