Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Saint Mary's Wilderness
We’ll start from the Blue Ridge Parkway on Saturday and hike down to a waterfall and some swimming holes. I think it’s about a 3 – 4 mile hike. We’ll try to claim a good site to set up camp and spend the afternoon and night relaxing by / in the river. On Sunday we’ll escape the way we came.
For now the trip size is set to four. I’ll add another car after more drivers sign up.
Club Provides:
-Transportation: gas if you drive and a seat in a car
-Food: saturday dinner, sunday breakfast and snack
-Gear: backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, headlamps, water filter, cooking pots/stove
You bring:
-hiking boots or running shoes (they’ll get wet)
-appropriate clothing (i’ll send a more specific email later)
-swimming stuff
-bowl and cup (no breakables)
-fork / spoon / spork!
-water bottle (1 liter min)
-toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
-any extra snacks you may want