Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
Boo ya.
Meet at Echols and we’ll head out to climb for two or three hours. Easy peasy.
If you’re belay certified at peak, great! You’re good to go. If not, you’ll need to call ahead and sign up for a belay test. You can also boulder or climb on the auto belay routes.
If you do not know how to belay, you can sign up for the class at 6:30 for $15. Let me know if you choose to do this so we can try to get you there on time!
Once you take the class, you can get belay certified as early as the next day AND get a two week free trial membership. Call and make a reservation. 804 897 6800.
Not new to climbing, but not belay certified? Two options: bouldering, or taking the belay test and get certified (call to make the reservation).
Any gear needed can be provided by the club. If you do need gear, please try to get to Echols about 15 or 20 minutes early so we can get you all ready.
Any climbing gear you have (harness, shoes, chalk)
$9 for gym fees (or more if you are taking the class)
Money and/or food if you get hangry like me