Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
Let’s keep our climbing momentum going with another trip to Peak this week.
Peak Experiences is an indoor climbing gym about an hour away in Richmond with climbing and bouldering of various levels.
We will follow the typical schedule, leaving from Echols at 5:30 and climbing at Peak until closing (literally until they kick us out of the gym). Then, we will stop by Sheetz for snacks and make our way back to Cville.
The entrance fee is $9.00 if we have a group of 5 or more.
You need to provide: climbing shoes, harness, ATC, chalk, gym entrance fee, money for Sheetz
Club provides: gas, ride in a car, gear if needed, and usually pretty decent tunes on the way there and back.
If you do need gear, make sure to stop by the gear room that has been scheduled for this week.
Drivers get priority.