Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
Want to go to an awesome rock climbing gym in Richmond? There are climbs ranging from party (the ones kids use at birthday parties) to 5.13+ (MUCH harder than I can climb). The cost to get into the gym is $9, but, depending on how the group feels, we will probably stop at Sheetz afterwards. New climbers are more than welcome, but I will limit the number of non-belayers.
If you need to check out gear from the club be at echols at 5:15. If you have your own gear, get there at 5:30. I don’t have a car, so I will let people off the waitlist when drivers sign up.
We provide: gear if you need it, gas $$ for drivers
You provide: gear if you have it, water/snacks if you want them, $9 for the gym and extra for sheetz if you want to get food afterwards.
P.S. For the avid climber, look up “Da Booty” by Odub