Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
It looks like stormy weather on Wednesday – let’s make use of poor weather by climbing indoors.
We’ll meet at 5:30pm, head to Peak, and climb till close (10pm). Tradition is to get food at Sheetz before heading back, but you can bring your own food too. If we get over 5 people, we should get their group rate, which I’m hoping is $10. Otherwise it’s $16 for students or $19 for adults. Let’s just plan on having more than 5!
If you have not climbed at Peak before, you’ll need to be belay certified OR take a belay class if you need to learn to belay. Either way, call 804-897-6800 to set up belay certification or sign up for a class. If you need to take a belay class, you can pay $30, but then you can get certified as early as the next day so you can belay wherever, whenever. and THEN get two week free trial membership (that means the next two weeks you get in free).
If anyone needs climbing gear, we can checkout gear right before we head out. (Please come 5 minutes early if you need gear).
As per policy, drivers come with gas tanks full.
Let’s get pumped!