Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
I learned that my class registration time slot pretty directly overlapped with the initial Wednesday plan, so I’ve rescheduled for thursday!! Same description:
Forget everything I said about valuing sleep. I’ve been averaging a solid 10hrs per night this past week (s/o melatonin), and I need to absolutely shock my system by waking up at 4am. So let’s catch a sunrise at Spyrock!
Daylight savings means we are losing an hour to the sun gods this Sunday, so sunrise is ~extra~ early this week (6:30ish). So here’s our plan of attack:
-4:15am (AM!!): meet at Echols and drive 75 minutes to the trailhead
-5:30: arrive (did i do that math right) and hike 1.6 miles aka 45 min to the summit
-6:15: get to the top, salute the sun, sacrifice the weakest hiker to Apollo, start our descent
-7:00: start driving home
-8:30ish: go to class
I’m not gonna make any promises and say you’ll get back for your 9 ams because I am wildly unreliable and flakier than an authentic french croissant. So let’s say that we will definitely be back before 9:30, and we will *probably* be back before 9. Drivers can probably drop you right off to class!!
And speaking of drivers, I am not one. Therefore I have to waitlist everyone until drivers sign up!! So pls sign up to drive bc you will get priority.
-Sturdy shoes
-now that i’m thinking of croissants you could bring those too