1535 Gordon Avenue
1535 Gordon Avenue
Come on out Wednesday evening to eat some great food and meet more of the club’s 200+ members! Bring something to eat if you can – put those plus dollars to work! Anything would be great. I’ll get some things to grill out – hamburgers or chicken and veggie burgers and shish kabobs. Ok, now I’m getting hungry thinking about it!
Directions to my house: It’s really easy and is just about a 10 minute walk from the Rotunda area. Go down Rugby Road. After passing Beta Bridge, turn right onto Gordon Avenue. Go down a couple of blocks and my house is on the left. It’s 1535 and has a red brick wall around the yard.
Email me if you have a grill I could pick up! smj9g@virginia.edu
Club will provide:
I’ll stock up on drinks, the food to grill out, and will have utensils, plates, and cups.
You bring:
Food to share with everyone! Ideas: chips & salsa, carrots and dip, cookies!, brownies, etc.