Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Walnut Creek Park
We’ll meet at noon on Sunday, grab bikes, and head to Walnut Creek Park.
We’ll shred for a couple of hours. This trip has no declared skill level. We’ll just ride at the level that people need to. If we have beginners, we’ll do beginner.
Bring water and some snacks.
Wear mountain-biking appropriate clothing.
There will be food at Creekathon that we will consume. Make sure to bring your side dish / sign up for the main Creekathon event.
The ride home is usually pretty nebulous. I’ll make sure everyone gets a ride home. If you want to catch an early ride home, then that’s fine. Just let me know. Creekathon ends wheneva.
I can only carry so many bikes in my car. We’ll need other drivers. A truck would be awesome. If you have a bike rack please volunteer.
Questions? Email me.