Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Walnut Creek Park
The Club is having a year end party at Walnut Creek Park on Friday, 4/28 from 4:30 to 8:00pm. There will be all sorts of outing activities and char-grilled food. What better way to build up an appetite with some kayak roll lessons/practice? So if you want to learn/practice the kayak Eskimo roll AND go to the party, join this trip. No prior kayaking experience is necessary. We’ll meet at Echols at 4:30, head to the park, and be on the water soon after 5 for an hour or so of lessons. The food will be waiting for us when we get off the water, but you are welcome to keep on rolling…
If you plan on being at the party but don’t want to meet at Echols at 4:30, no need to sign up; I’m sure there will be a boat available if you want to roll and/or paddle around after we’re finished with the lesson.
I might go home directly from the park, so could use drivers. However, if no one with a car signs up and I can’t find everyone a ride home from the party, I can bring people back to town.
The Club provides: Boats/gear
You should bring: swimwear, towel, change of clothes, rain wear in case of bad weather, water, snacks, any food you want to contribute to the party, your appetite