Hiking (Day Hikes) Hiking (Day Hikes)
Running (Trail) Running (Trail)


  • Sep 18
  • 07:00 AM
  • Corner Of Echols Dorm


  • Sep 18
  • 09:30 AM
  • Corner Of Echols Dorm


  • Sep 17
  • 08:00 PM


  • $0


  • Ragged Mountain Nature Area, Reservoir Road, Charlottesville, VA, USA


Hey y’all!!
I wanted to get out to Ragged sometime soon, so this is a trip for that.
**We need drivers. Drivers get priority off the waitlist (but do not get reimbursed for gas because it’s only a 10 min drive)
Personally, I’m going to run the loop (which is approx. 6 miles), but if you’d like to hike it (or hike part of it, or even just chill around the reservoir), that’s awesome too, whatever works for you/is most enjoyable for you.
This is kind of whatever you make of it and can be as social as people want it to be. What I mean by that is like, people can do their hiking/running/whatever in little pairs or as a full group, or people can just kind of do their own thing, as long as we get everyone back to the car by the leave time.
7am- meet at the corner of Echols, drive 10 mins to Ragged Mtn Reservoir
7:15 ish- start your run or hike or whatever else!
9am ish- meet back at cars [this is flexible, we can discuss end time depending on how many hikers/runners we have/how long people think they’ll take] Drive back to grounds
Snacks if you want
A good attitude
Looking forward to it!!
If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to reach out!
-Marian (757-647-6745)

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